A Letter of Gratitude 

I came to know you at a young age, praying for my exams and wishing for the latest toys. Most of the time, it worked, and when it didn’t, I didn’t know better. Slowly, I began having conversations with you, just like two best friends. These were full-on dialogues with questions, which I probably answered myself as the issues were analyzed in my head. I just remember feeling better at the end of it, leaving me in peace and contentment.

As I grew older, I learned to listen more instead of trying to talk to you directly. I began waiting for messages in different forms, and each time, my senses directed me to the right message. This became my way of finding guidance in life. Instead of seeking answers outside of myself, my inner voice—my intuition—nudged me in the right direction. This inner gift would leave me with either a sense of calmness or uneasiness about the issue at hand. That’s how I knew whether the choice was right for me or not. 

Meanwhile, the ups and downs of life became more challenging over time. Yet, I never lost touch with you. I always felt connected, even when every sign seemed to invite doubt. This sense of oneness was the one thing that felt stable and unchangeable in the Universe. Your presence meant so much to me. Whenever I felt disappointed in humans, I knew you would be there for me. 

In the past, I have asked you for the impossible, and you delivered. You have asked me for the impossible, but you gave me the courage to face it, and I was able to deliver. Our dialogues evolved into pure silence, and the answers came from within me. My alignment with the Universe and everything around me grew stronger, and you still stood by me, guiding and supervising. You heard my wishes without me even expressing them out loud. You healed my wounds and hurt before they could begin. Now, you are as close to me as my heart itself. Inseparable, I feel. You have laid a solid foundation for me to trust you in any situation. 

My doubts began doubting themselves. My worries could no longer rush in uninvited. My wishes became centered on closeness to you and on deepening my trust in you. I no longer yearned for things but rather for a stronger, deeper connection with you. 

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for your presence in my life. Thank you for all you have shown me and for all you will continue to reveal in the future. I am practicing staying still and quieting my mind to hear your voice resonate throughout my entire being. Thank you for bringing your awareness not only to me but also to everyone I have the chance to touch and heal with your presence. 

Despite all the noise out there, I am listening. Your guidance is deeply appreciated. 

Truly yours, 


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